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About Chart Download
    I've wanted to say a little about this for some time.  It has occurred to me that when I enter a New Website that I will want to know the background of the person who is Authoring the site:

- Are they Christian?
- Do they accurately portray the Word of God?
- Does the Lord have Dominance?

I could go on...

So I have reasoned... I should say a little about myself to allow you visiting the site to know what I believe.
To start out with I am totally reliant on the Holy Spirit to have control of this site.  Any imperfections, and we are all imperfect, are mine.  It is for this reason I emphasize the use of scripture to explain scripture. But like now, as I write this, that is not always the case. 

So what do I believe in?

I believe that Jesus is the second Person of the God Head.  That the Word of God is inerrant. That He always was and always will be.  That He came to earth as a Perfect Human to Save us and to Destroy the works of the Devil. That Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone and His Apostles and Prophets make up the Foundation of His Bride the Church and that we are the structure that make up the walls that separate Good from Evil through Faith in Jesus Work. That this is the Church, the Bride, His Dwelling Place and not the human structures of brick and mortar... with its "religious" notions. (Not saying they aren't helpful.  Indeed, I make it a point to Worship with my fellow Christians while realizing that the true Church is the larger Spiritual "Body of "Christ".)
This Bride is the Vessel made White as Snow by the Blood of Jesus and is filled by the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit so that no one of its constituents can boast but who rather will Worship Him Forever in His Glory and Love!!!
So, to answer the Question, "Who is Authoring this site?"
My response is to say, Hopefully... Prayerfully... And with Your Prayerful help, that it is Authored by the "Holy Spirit" through His Inspired Word.

As of 2024 I have been "Born Again", but not sinless, since 1974.  God continues to do a Great Work in Us who are His.  I pray that You are One of His Children or that you will Come to know Him through the "Richs of "HIs" Word".

In His Love

P.S. My daughter Diane encouraged me to begin and set it up. The Logo was her creation.  
She also set me up and encouraged me to do Twitter in 2018.